Ching Room 250 E Street SW Washington DC
In 1973, FMCS Director Bill Usery dedicated the main FMCS conference room, in the old Department of Labor building at Constitution and 14th Street NW, to Cyrus Ching. The photo above shows Usery with Ching’s widow looking at the painting of Cyrus Ching during a dedication ceremony establishing the Cyrus Ching conference room.
In his dedication remarks, Usery noted how appropriate the naming of the conference room was since Ching had been the first FMCS Director. Usery also said he hoped that wherever the FMCS National Office might move in the future, there would always be a conference room dedicated to Mr. Ching.
At the first location after leaving the old Department of Labor building, FMCS Director James Scearse responded to Usery’s hope by designating the main conference room as the Cy Ching conference room. At that location at 21st and K NW. the FMCS National Office remained from 1976 to late 2016.
Since late 2016, the FMCS national office has been at 250 E St SW, Independence Square, and Director Allison Beck followed the practice by designating the main conference room as the Cyrus Ching conference room.